








Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) dir. by James Gunn

Mom Gamora is best Gamora

She’s so naturally good at it; loves this little baby so much. <3

This is such a great scene though, because Gamora is NOT naturally good at it. She’s cold and hard and has the emotional awareness of a grape. Look at how she treats Peter and Nebula throughout the whole movie; she doesn’t even realize she loves them until they smack her in the face with their own feelings. Repress and deny, that’s how Gamora does feelings.

But she’s soft with Groot. It’s a sweet contrast that shows that she’s working on her shit.

Yessssss. Seriously, Gamora is more afraid of feelings than almost any character I’ve ever seen. She doesn’t just fail to notice her feelings for Peter and Nebula, she’s actively afraid of them (at the very least for Peter, and quite possibly for Nebula as well). Look at how she snarls and wheels on Peter the moment he starts to charm her in vol1. Gamora tenses up the moment she finds herself feeling charmed and then tries to squash the scary feelings under aggression.

Gamora consistently treats the people she loves most by being meanest to them. So her carefulness with Groot is evidence of really, really hard work and character growth on her part. In some ways, she is actually working harder on being nice to Groot here than Rocket is, which is hilarious and terrifying.

I think it makes a lot of sense that it’s Baby Groot she manages to be the softest with as well. Gamora has got to have a lot of thoughts about How to Do Parenthood Right; I’d imagine she’s extremely motivated to do a better job with Groot than Thanos did with her. (I mean, that’s a low bar, but she’s still very determined to pass it.)

Plus, Peter and Nebula might ask things of her she’s not prepared to give, they have their own unknowable motivations, they might (do!) fuck up; it’s all sorts of complicated and messy. But Groot’s a child, and she knows very well that entails a responsibility for her to provide not just food and shelter, but comfort and love.

I really adore the moment in the opening battle of GotG2 where Gamora stops fighting briefly to just give Groot a friendly “hi!”, because I feel like that encapsulates their relationship: Gamora forcing herself to put down her defenses because Groot needs to see her feelings.

Yes. all of this.

Also, baby Groot is the least threatening. Like you said, Peter or Nebula might ask things out of her that she doesn’t expect or can’t give. But Gamora can predict everything Groot wants (affection, brightly colored candy, good tunes, to not get squished, and the odd bug) ahead of time. Groot is simple and wants relatively simple things.

So he’s not so scary.

Peter and Nebula, though… that’s another story.

Gosh I love Gamora so much

DR STRANGE: And now, the six saddened superheroes of Infinity War in their rendition of “The Cell Block Thanos.”


THOR: Axe-

TONY: Blood-

OKOYE: Splat-

GROOT: I am Groot!

GAMORA: Guardians-

WANDA: Vision-

ALL: He has it coming! He has it coming! He only has himself to blame! And since you’ve been there, and since you’ve seen it, I bet that you wanna do the same!

THOR: You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like Loki. Loki liked to fake his own death. Seriously? Dude. So we’re escaping the ruins of Asgard, and Thanos kills half our people and I’m really freaking out, and then Loki does the noble thing for once in his life. Not faking! Dying! So I say to Thanos, “I’ll kill you for what you’ve done.” And I get my axe from Nidavellir and I make one warning blow… into his heart.

ALL: He has it coming! He has it coming! He only has himself to blame! 

TONY: I met Peter Parker about two years ago and he was a superhero and we hit it off right away. Kid tags along on the spaceship even though I told him not to, pulls some great moves, saves some people. And then I saw him die at Thanos’s hand. “I don’t want to go” he told me. He’s going, my ass! Once the Time Stone business is sorted, I’m gonna beat Thanos into the ground even harder than before. You know, some guys just can’t hold their blood in.

ALL: He has it coming! He has it coming! He took a franchise in its
prime! He got the Gauntlet! He overwrought it! It’ll be murder but not a

OKOYE: Now, I’m standing in Wakanda following the commands of my King, minding my own business, when in storms a hundred aliens in a murderous rage. “You’re all gonna die!” they say. They were crazy. And they kept screaming “You’re all gonna die!” And then they ran into my spear. They ran into my spear ten times.

And since you’ve been there, and since you’ve seen it, I bet that you wanna do the same!

GROOT: I am Groot? I am Groot. I am Groot I am Groot I am Groot. I am Grooooooot.

THOR: Yeah, but are you all dead permanently?

GROOT: We…are…Groot.

ALL: [slower] He has it coming….

GAMORA: My sister Nebula and I grew up together as Thanos’s daughters. But I ran away and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy. There’s six of us, me, Peter, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, maybe Nebula’s the seventh, who knows. But I was determined to stop Thanos finding the Infinity Stones, by any means necessary. I go with him to Vormir and I burst out laughing when it turns out he has to kill someone he loves to get the Soul Stone. I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out, I can’t remember a thing. It wasn’t until later, when I noticed the blood on the ground, I even knew I was dead.

ALL: He has it coming! He has it coming! He’s had it coming all along! That purple dickhead! He soon will be dead! How could you tell us that we were wrong?

WANDA: I loved my Vision more than I can possibly say. He had the Mind Stone in his head. Sensitive. A robot. But Thanos was trying to find him, he was constantly trying to find him and along the way he found the Space, Soul, Reality, Power, and Time stones. In the end I lost my love on the battlefield of Wakanda. I saw him as alive… and Thanos saw him dead!

ALL: We’re feeling glum, glum, glum, glum…

….He has it coming! He has it coming! He took a franchise in its
prime! He got the Gauntlet! He overwrought it! It’ll be murder but not a
crime! He has it coming! He has it coming! He’s had it coming all along! Cos if he used us!? And he abused us?! How could you tell us that we were wrong?!

[Fade out]