
Listening to the James Gunn (Spoiler-tastic) Q&A from Today


James Gunn: We actually shot a moment where Chris is holding onto Yondu’s body and crying, and Dave Batista comes behind Quill and sort of embraces him and pulls him back from the body as he’s holding onto it, and Rocket takes Yondu’s body and moves back towards the ship

So, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 kind of maybe owns my soul a little bit now? Here’s a fanfic filling in some blanks.

Title: Goodnight
Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy
Rating: PG13 maybe? There’s nothing in here worse than in the movie

“And Darth Vader… I suppose he can’t stand the idea of a world where people like him and the Emperor live and people like Luke Skywalker die. So he picks up the Emperor and kills him, so that Luke can survive, even though it kills him too. And all these little teddy bear things that live on the moon below the Emperor’s Death Star, I forgot to mention all of that, they have a big party with fireworks and stuff.”

Peter and his family before, during and after the funeral.

