doctor who

Doctor Who season 3 trailer


OMG JOHN SIMM. They did a bloody good job keeping that a secret: I went into the OG spoiler section a few times, but I wasn’t entirely convinced they’d really cast him…and there he is.

OMG JACK. Still in his Torchwood clothes!

OMG MARTHA. I love the way she says “What,” she sounds really pissed off. Although you can’t actually tell what she’s looking at in that scene…


Okay, I’m done now.

The War On Earth (8/8)

Title: The War On Earth
Author: sarah531
Rating: PG13, possibly bordering on R
A Sequel To: Turn of the Earth and all related ficlets (but it just about makes sense without it)
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Shareen Costello, Maggie and Thomas Finch (Clive’s wife and son), Elton Pope, many OCs
Summary: Bad Wolf went everywhere, including people’s heads. That in itself would be troublesome enough without half a million Daleks destroying your planet. Or having the man who changed your life leave to defend an alternate universe. Or knowing that the person who saved Rose Tyler is not coming to save you.

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven


The War On Earth (7/8)

Title: The War On Earth
Author: sarah531
Rating: PG13, possibly bordering on R
A Sequel To: Turn of the Earth and all related ficlets (but it just about makes sense without it)
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Shareen Costello, Maggie and Thomas Finch (Clive’s wife and son), Elton Pope, many OCs
Summary: Bad Wolf went everywhere, including people’s heads. That in itself would be troublesome enough without half a million Daleks destroying your planet. Or having the man who changed your life leave to defend an alternate universe. Or knowing that the person who saved Rose Tyler is not coming to save you.

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six


The War On Earth (6/8)

Title: The War On Earth
Author: sarah531
Rating: PG13, possibly bordering on R
A Sequel To: Turn of the Earth and all related ficlets (but it just about makes sense without it)
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Shareen Costello, Maggie and Thomas Finch (Clive’s wife and son), Elton Pope, many OCs
Summary: Bad Wolf went everywhere, including people’s heads. That in itself would be troublesome enough without half a million Daleks destroying your planet. Or having the man who changed your life leave to defend an alternate universe. Or knowing that the person who saved Rose Tyler is not coming to save you.

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five


Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

Oh that was brilliant.

-Unlike most people, I never once thought Catherine Tate was the most irritating person on the planet. Thus, I liked Donna a lot, and think there should be Donnafic.

-The Doctor takes Rose to see the end of the Earth, and takes Donna to see the beginning of the Earth. Interesting.

-I love that Donna says no to the Doctor. More thoughts on this some other time.

-Icons, icons, there must be icons! Especially of the Doctor glaring out of the fire like that.

-I have no words on the Series 3 Preview, beyond ZOMGMARTHASHAKESPEAREDALEKSZOMG. One word, then. And from that five-second clip, I think I will like Martha a lot.

Roll on Series 3!

The War On Earth (5/8)

Title: The War On Earth
Author: sarah531
Rating: PG13, possibly bordering on R
A Sequel To: Turn of the Earth and all related ficlets (but it just about makes sense without it)
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Shareen Costello, Maggie and Thomas Finch (Clive’s wife and son), Elton Pope, many OCs
Summary: Bad Wolf went everywhere, including people’s heads. That in itself would be troublesome enough without half a million Daleks destroying your planet. Or having the man who changed your life leave to defend an alternate universe. Or knowing that the person who saved Rose Tyler is not coming to save you.

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four


The War On Earth (4/8)

Title: The War On Earth
Author: sarah531
Rating: PG13, possibly bordering on R
A Sequel To: Turn of the Earth and all related ficlets (but it just about makes sense without it)
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Shareen Costello, Maggie and Thomas Finch (Clive’s wife and son), Elton Pope, many OCs
Summary: Bad Wolf went everywhere, including people’s heads. That in itself would be troublesome enough without half a million Daleks destroying your planet. Or having the man who changed your life leave to defend an alternate universe. Or knowing that the person who saved Rose Tyler is not coming to save you.

Part one
Part two
Part three


a jedi, a timelord and an outlaw walk into a bar

-Don’t hotlink
-Textless icons are not bases
-Feel free to nominate anywhere
-More stuff at Starlit Blue
-Enjoy! :)

RH screencaps from dj43. :)

Star Wars

1. anakinrotslj 2. anakinrots2lj 3. sidiouslj 4. dookurotslj 5. anakinpadmelj 6. arguementlj 7. dividedlj 8. lukevaderlj 9. landorotjlj 10. leiaredlj

Doctor Who

11. ninetardislj 12. rosetardislj 13. rosetimelj 14. rosetimebase 15. boyfriendlj 16. jackiewashinglj 17. changedlj 18. dwtriolj 19. rosegreylj 20. dalekbirdlj 21. jackietardislj 22. childlj 23. childbase 24. wandererlj 25. lyndahomelj

Robin Hood

25. rh1lj 26. rh2lj 27. rh3lj 28. rh4lj 29. rh5lj 30. rh14lj 31. rh7lj 32. rh8lj 33. rh9lj 34. rh10lj 35. rh11lj 36. rh12lj 37. 38.rh13lj

(no subject)

I hate having unreliable internet! Though I suppose I should consider myself lucky I have it at all.

Anyway, let’s do a meme, found on my travels through LJ…

Give me two characters from two different fandoms with which I am familiar, and I’ll invent a relationship for them. In drabble format, no less.

Fandoms I can do: Star Wars, Spider-Man (movieverse), new Doctor Who, Holes, Harry Potter
Fandoms I can just about do: X-Men (movieverse), Life on Mars, Pokemon, Digimon, the BBC’s Robin Hood, Torchwood, LOTR

And if I’ve forgotten one, remind me by giving me a character. ;)