I really like this

Sweeping the Past from the Present – Guardians of the Galaxy


I don’t even go here. I love this movie, but I’ve only seen it twice. The story idea kept me up until three in the morning a few weeks ago, and I decided to polish up and post it before Vol. 2 comes out. Blame any awfulness on unfamiliarity with the subjects (but still let me know so I can fix it). Enjoy!


| DeviantArt

| Other Stories

It doesn’t take long for Gamora to decide changes need to be
made on the Milano. When she trips
over yet another pile of useless junk on her way to the galley a few rotations after their departure from
Xandar, she decides that the abhorrent state of the ship is just as much a
safety hazard as it is a nuisance. Her need for organization overpowers her
newfound respect for their captain and she puts her foot down. When she informs
Quill of her intentions to purge their noxious base, he snickers and says
something about “spring cleaning” and her turning into a “homebody”. Confused,
she asks what “spring” means, and soon regrets it as she is enduring his
woefully inadequate attempt at explaining the phases of Terra’s orbit and
related cultural practices. The only thing he is able to express in terms she
can relate to is the basic patterns of the four seasons, though she still can’t
understand what cleaning has to do with warmer weather. Peter doesn’t think to
teach her “homebody,” and a tactful Gamora doesn’t question him further.

(Even if she did understand what the latter word meant, she
wouldn’t have made the connection between the girl-that-was who loved her
simple family life, and the woman-that-is who recognizes the crew she is a part
of needs a more sanitary place to live.)

She wonders why nobody else seems to care about the state of
their habitat, but realizes that Drax has lived in far worse conditions as an
inmate, Rocket is far too preoccupied with his little friend to notice anything
else, and Peter has lived in his own filth for so long he probably doesn’t even
remember what the Milano’s walls are
supposed to look like.

Keep reading

trans natasha


Sometimes I think really intensely about Natasha being trans.

And it’s not that she’s ashamed of being trans, but it’s a conversation she doesn’t really want to have with her new coworkers, so Nick Fury promises to keep it under wraps.

But then when she’s in a meeting JARVIS identifies her as “biologically male” in front of all the others for some reason and she’s like fuuuuuck and prepares herself for a really shitty time but like

Steve’s all, “Well, ma’am, if you identify as a woman that’s all I really need to know.”  She keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop there because he’s from the forties for God’s sake, but it never does.

Thor doesn’t understand why this revelation is a big deal, because in Asgard trans people are embraced and accepted, like there are special magic/science reassignment procedures that require no gatekeeping or fuckery, just self-knowledge, and he tells her that she should have been born there, “for not only are you a mighty warrior, but I think my people would have been able to spare you much pain.”  She does not cry about that, but she thinks about it for a long time.

Bruce acts awkward but when she calls him out on it he’s like “I just realized that you have more of a right to be afraid of violence than any of us, and I’m so sorry I contributed to that,” and she ends up buying him a latte so he’ll stop looking so damn anguished.

Sam doesn’t say much, but quietly lets her know that he runs a support group for trans folk that meets every Wednesday, and she doesn’t realize what that means until a day or two later and can’t stop smiling.

And Tony? Tony disappears for like a week, and she thinks it’s because he’s finally revealed himself to be a complete asshole, but then he reappears on her doorstep and, without preamble, says, “I’ve recalibrated JARVIS so it’s got a more nuanced understanding of gender identity and biology, I’m so sorry it outed you, also I built you this new gun as an apology gift.”  

(Clint already knew, obviously.  Because Clint knows pretty much everything about her.)

I will probably need to write this eventually because it is literally my very favourite headcanon.


Alternative fan made poster for the upcoming film Avengers: Age of Ultron which opens in cinemas next April.

I’ve been working on this project for weeks, since the first character poster was released —the one with Tony Stark. I’ve lost count of the hours I‘ve put into it… And there have been some moments —especially at the end— when assembling the whole thing has been an absolute nightmare because of my iMac with only 4 GB of RAM. But here it is. Hope you like.

And btw, check out my new website: lauraracero.com