fallout settlements

Fixing my Fallout 4 settlements

Remember how I used to show off my Fallout settlements on here? Well, about a year ago the XBox died and it took a lot of my settlement mods with it. My carefully created digital homes were ruined.

So on and off for the past few months I’ve been putting them back together again, and I like the results. A lot of the rebuilds aren’t exactly the same but they’re not bad at all.

Some things couldn’t be salvaged. My Vault 88 is completely gone which is a shame. But it made me think of how wrong those tireless “video games only teach you to destroy things” articles are.

Fallout 4 Tours: County Crossing

So as the video says, this is probably gonna be the last one of these. I think I’ve filmed all the really good ones now and the game is so overloaded I can barely get into it anymore, let alone take videos.

But let’s take a look at County Crossing!

Before and after shots (before shot from the Fallout wiki)

It looks pretty cool in a radstorm!


Fallout 4 Tours: Oberland Station

So you can probably tell I’ve majorly stalled on making these. Oh well… Expect a couple of them every year I guess. Here’s my Oberland Station! I really like this one.

Before and after shots. (Before shot from the Fallout wiki)

So I kept the station box there but built around it. We’ve got some homes built from Vault parts and plenty of trees.


Fallout 4 Tours: Vault 88

Eeeey Vault 88! I remember building this place, it was bloody hard. This settlement doesn’t lend itself well to a before/after shot so let’s just jump straight in…

Here’s the entrance, guarded by a turret.

Then around the corner (I’ll spare you all the boring shots of corridors) there’s this rather sparse security room.

Down another corridor, there’s the screening area-

-and the generator room.
