
Meet one of the most overlooked canine contributors to cinema: George Lucas’s dog, Indiana!

This big furball not only gave Indiana Jones his name (obviously) but was the inspiration for another iconic movie character: Chewbacca.

I had an
Alaskan Malamute when I was writing the film. A very sweet dog, she
would always sit next to me when I was writing. And when I’d drive
around, she’d sit in the front seat. A Malamute is a very large dog—like
a hundred and thirty pounds and bigger than a human being and very
long-haired. Having her with me all the time inspired me to give Han
Solo a sidekick who was like a big, furry dog. Not quite like a dog, but


Sadly nothing is known of what became of Indiana after her owner shot to fame, but still WHO’S A GOOD GIRL, YOU ARE YOU ARE YOU ARE


Random thought about Star Wars:

When Obi Wan takes Luke to Mos Eisley, what if he’s actually looking for a specific pilot? After all, it’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy, Obi Wan would be smart to find a pilot he could trust. Who else would he turn to but someone sympathetic to the Jedi, who fought alongside the Republic during the Clone Wars and whom Yoda considered a great friend?

He was specifically looking for Chewbacca. Han just happened to be the obnoxious dead weight.





I am in pain because I just realized that Kylo was perfectly capable of stopping blasters in midair but when Chewie shot him he just let it hit

He just let it hit him

Fuck you’re right

Bet you he was wishing it would be a kill shot, because Chewie is a marksman, and he wasn’t expecting him to aim non lethal.

Whispers Mike I am disowning you




Ok so I know I’ve seen a few posts about the Organa-Solos passing baby Ben back and forth and spoiling him rotten while rebuilding the Republic but also consider:


Big, loud, belligerent, protective, huggable Chewbacca toting his best friend’s kid around

You know what, I’m doubling down on this. Give me a Kylo Ren who not only understands spoken Wookie but can also speak it with a passable accent because Chewbacca babysat him so much when he was bitty. Give me a confrontation between them in Episode IIX where Chewy is screaming at him and Kylo Ren just starts irately yodeling back.