Meet one of the most overlooked canine contributors to cinema: George Lucas’s dog, Indiana!

This big furball not only gave Indiana Jones his name (obviously) but was the inspiration for another iconic movie character: Chewbacca.

I had an
Alaskan Malamute when I was writing the film. A very sweet dog, she
would always sit next to me when I was writing. And when I’d drive
around, she’d sit in the front seat. A Malamute is a very large dog—like
a hundred and thirty pounds and bigger than a human being and very
long-haired. Having her with me all the time inspired me to give Han
Solo a sidekick who was like a big, furry dog. Not quite like a dog, but


Sadly nothing is known of what became of Indiana after her owner shot to fame, but still WHO’S A GOOD GIRL, YOU ARE YOU ARE YOU ARE