


Lin-Manuel Miranda said in an interview that he wrote the song “You’re Welcome” for Maui once he knew the character would be voiced by Dwayne the rock Johnson because he thought that Dwayne the rock Johnson would be the one person on earth who could sing something so egotistical and have us completely convinced we should be thanking him and honestly he’s not wrong.

This just further proves my theory that he added in the “Maui can do everything but float” line knowing that people will be making the pun about “the reason floating is the only thing Maui can’t do is because he’s The Rock”.





The second best pun I’ve ever encountered in the wild was when I was walking down the street in a “hip” part of Seattle and saw a couple of Budweiser cans thrown into a bush. And I said to a random stranger walking nearby “damn, the local beer harvest is really poor this year”. And the random stranger responded “give it time, they’re only buds”.

So…what was the first best pun?

Somehow this thing got 1k notes while the previous post, which was about the best pun I’ve ever encountered in the wild got 3 notes. Anyway: I was TAing an electrostatics lab. The experiment was to see what happens when you rub wool on a bunch of rods of different materials and then bring the rods near scraps of paper.

One student’s lab report had this observation on what happens when you try to charge up a metal rod: “paper remains stationery”

These are the best puns