
Hooray I finally saw Brave about five billion years after everyone else

It was really good. And it’s SO NICE to see a mother/daughter story, because man, there’s like none of them. (Thousands of father/son stories, of course…) Heck, I reckon even if I hadn’t liked this I’d have still been glad it actually existed.

But I did like it! I liked Queen Eleanor the best. Also Merida and her hair. (Her hair was practically a character in itself.) And I LOVED that she didn’t have a romantic interest. A lesser production team would have had her hook up with one of the suitors, and I’m so glad they didn’t do that.

Also I loved that there wasn’t a villain. Not Queen Eleanor, not the witch, not even the demon bear. (After all, he seemed pretty glad to not be a demon bear anymore.) Instead, there were just loads of people making stupid mistakes. Merida tore her mother’s tapestry, Eleanor burnt her daughter’s bow (and then instantly regretted it- I loved that), the king almost killed his own wife because he wouldn’t listen to his daughter, etc.

Yes. Good movie. Very good movie.











Jesus fucking Christ

Fucking twat

Honestly speechless because there isn’t an insulting word severe enough to describe this guy.

Attention, women of the world: beware of this man.  Look at his picture carefully.  Memorize it.  Spread it around.

Sir, I hope any women you know see this.  I hope your mother sees it.  I hope you have grandmothers, sisters, aunts, friends.  I hope they all see this.  And I hope they all realize that they are not safe around you, that you are not to be trusted, that you are a despicable person who deserves to be shunned and condemned byevery single person on this earth.

I hope that not a day goes by where you don’t have explain yourself, and know that you are a terrible, loathsome excuse for a human being.

I don’t hate all men.  But I sure as fuck hate you.

can someone please chop this fucker’s dick off

wow i feel sick

what a unfunny piece of shit

that’s as stupid as saying “men want us to make sandwiches and see no other good in us? let’s kill them. then they’ll see how good we are.”


..Can we spread this around more? I think this is one of those things that SHOULD make it to facebook. Someone who knows him might recognize him.

If someone does recognise this guy, please give him a slap from me

(no subject)

I have a suprising amount of feelings about Kirsten Stewart…

I don’t think she should have cheated on her boyfriend, but the amount of hate she got for it was ridiculous- she’s not exactly the first person to cheat and she won’t be the last. And women who cheat almost always come in for a greater kicking than men do. It isn’t fair…heck, both Hugh Grant and Jude Law cheated on their wives and they’ve still got huge fanbases, and it barely hurt their careers.

Uh, basically, I liked Kirsten before this and I’ll probably always like her. I’ll be sad (and rather angry) if her affair puts an end to her whole career.