
Doctor Who -onewordtest1

Top 5 favourite characters: Amy, Mickey, Martha, Rory… choosing a fifth is always hard… Clara maybe? Or Bill?
Other characters you like: Honestly I like most of them!
Least favourite character: Oh this one’s hard. I’m going to go the controversial route and say Nine, because of his tendency to bully Mickey/be a jerk in general. Then again, Ten wasn’t much better
Otps: Amy/Rory, Bill/Heather, probably a couple others I forgot
Notps: Eleven/Amy… most Doctor/Companion relationships really
Favourite friendship: SO MANY. Mickey & Jackie will always have a special place in my heart
Favourite family: The Ponds!
Favourite episode: Another hard question but probably Listen? It came along at just the right time for me.
Favourite season/book/movie: Hmmm, Series 5 maybe? Series 3 is very good as well
Favourite quote: There’s over fifty years of great quotes, damn. The “fear can make you kind” speech from Listen is one I really adore though.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: I grinned so happily when all the Doctors showed up in Day of the Doctor.
When it really disappointed you: I still don’t really like the River/Ponds arc, because it wasn’t treated with the seriousness it deserved I guess
Saddest moment: Oh, there’s so many… Danny’s death perhaps? It packed just the right amount of emotional weight
Most well done character death: See above
Favourite guest star: Doctor Who EXCELS at casting good guest stars and I honestly can’t choose.
Favourite cast member: I love all of them but Karen Gillan especially
Character you wish was still alive: I know Bill isn’t dead, but I wish she would appear in series 11 alongside Thirteen, because it would be perfect and it’s probably not gonna happen now :(
One thing you hope really happens: Uh… see above again
Most shocking twist:
I let out a scream when Jenna Coleman appeared ahead of schedule in Asylum of the Daleks
When did you start watching/reading: Back in 2005!
Trope you wish they would stop using: I think it’s time to retire the “monster that won’t kill you until you [breathe/blink/think/whatever]” trope
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Showing that the universe is generally a beautiful place full of good people, and that the most unremarkable of people can be heroes if given the chance.
Funniest moments: Almost everything Eleven did was comic gold
Couple you would like to see: I would love to see Thirteen/River and I really hope they do that
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard a rumour that Lee Mack might appear in series 11? I hope so cos I like Lee Mack
Most boring plotline: Doctor Who hasn’t really had many boring plotlines? Hmmm. I suppose the Doctor-Donna plotline only existed to fridge Donna, so I guess it’s the most boring by default
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I love seeing any flashbacks back to the original Doctors, especially One, I like seeing how they recreate him. I loved the first Gallifrey flashback in… was it Sound of Drums? too.
Most layered character: Amy in my opinion
Grossest moment: A lot of the stuff that happened in Love and Monsters was pretty gross
Best looking male: Damn, there’s too many. Shout out to Arthur Darvill and his fabulous pointy face though
Best looking female: Ditto
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Does anyone not have a crush on Karen Gillan
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Oh there’s so many of these too. The place Amy goes to in The Girl Who Waited, with all the twisty plants, that’s gorgeous
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: So much about River’s early life, but I suppose some of this might be answered in the books and audios I haven’t gotten hold of
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Right from The End of the World!

Rory Williams -onewordtest1

general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | HUFFLEPUFF 100%
best quality: His compassion and undying love for Amy
worst quality: His jealous streak is Bad, albeit I guess understandable
ship them with: AMY
brotp them with: The Doctor, and also I reckon he’d get along with just about any previous Doctor Who companion, especially Mickey, but they’ll never meet alas
needs to stay away from: Judging by the amount of times he died, almost everything
misc. thoughts: I fully believe he and Amy got to see their daughter again

what great teacher taught you of mice and and men that they talked about ableism? when I was taught it, it was the question “should we be allowed to murder disabled people? (implied: yes)” -onewordtest1

I had a fantastic English teacher. She was called Mrs Hughes, and I kind of hope I run into her again one day, her lessons were always great.

Yeah, I was told from the beginning that Of Mice and Men was a horrible tragedy, and that the ableist (and sexist and racist) attitudes in the book weren’t okay. God, I’m sorry you got the other thing. :(

replied to your post “Just started A Midsummer Night’s Dream (tuned in 3 minutes late). It’s…”

that doesn’t seem like a very … substantial reason. is there more to this?

It’s hard to explain without giving it away, but basically some things have been changed from the original play that…I guess make it clear that some of the things Shakespeare’s audience would have been fine with are 100% not acceptable any more? This review is quite a good one if you wanna know what you’re getting into before watching it

“Stories have to end, you know?” I had an argument with my brother about that when Jurassic World came out. -onewordtest1

See, I have NOTHING against the idea of people wanting to see what happened to Luke, Han, and Leia next! I just…I just wish it had been something more cheerful, I guess. The ending of Return of the Jedi is so important to me! So important! I mean, I always knew that the Empire couldn’t possibly disappear just like that, I always knew that it was never a given that Han and Leia’s kids would turn out okay…but I wish it had been. I wish they’d all gotten to go off and live Happily Ever After.