jeff tracy

Thunderbirds Are Go

SO quite recently Jeff Tracy was finally revealed to be alive in the Thunderbirds Are Go-verse. Whoda thunk? Here he is:

And I dunno what to think, because I kinda liked that the first couple of seasons only had him as a presumed-dead ghost in everybody’s lives. That lead to some great character moments. So, hmmm… yeah, I just dunno.

(I haven’t watched TAG in ages now, I still love Thunderbirds but it’s just harder and harder to keep up with TV shows these days. The perils of being an adult with a job, I guess. Maybe I could try downloading the whole lot from where I left off and binge-watching it?)

See, you can’t save everyone, Alan. It doesn’t matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn’t even matter if it’s someone you love, someone you’d give your life in a second to save. You just can’t save everyone.

Jeff Tracy, Thunderbirds (via andmoonbeamskisssedsea)

Everyone (including me sometimes, heh) goes on about how terrible this movie was, and I see their point, but they did a REALLY good job with Jeff.