fallout 4


Abernathy Farm, dawn

Two bunkhouses at the back end of the Abernathy property, with rooftop guard posts.

The melons got moved to empty garden plot on the side of the house, and that freed up a lot of space back here to build up a defensive perimeter. The Abernathy family has the food production covered, so the first five settlers got guard duty. 

Blake and Connie are delighted with their high defense rating (highest in the Commonwealth!), though they still can’t remember when they last had clean fingernails.

welcome to Kingsport, home of the finest (only?) lighthouse in the Commonwealth and also a hospital and a whole 2 houses!

from top to bottom: hospital! inside the hospital*! doctor’s quarters! houses! house interiors and balcony!

(* featuring: a lovely Ghoul receptionist, a removing-radiation area, some beds behind the glass window, a bathroom, an eating area/kitchen of sorts for the many malnourished wastelanders, a couple of handy scanners ‘n stuff)


Spectacle Island settlement build – Part 2

From top to bottom – Garden, guard quarters exterior, guard quarters interior, dormitory exterior, dining room/kitchen, living room (featuring cats), upstairs living room, overseer’s cabin exterior, bedroom, kitchen

Because this is the *one* settlement location I’ve found where I don’t have to constantly fight the size limitations, I wanted to take the opportunity to make every corner of The Boardwalk feel like an inviting place to live. I took that mentality beyond the realm of building and decorating though, and I took the time to equip every single settler with new clothes and weapons to fit their job. My farmers got clean dresses and slacks, my shopkeepers got tuxedos and suits, and my guards even got all the legendary armor and weapons I’ve been collecting since the start of the game.

The only thing I wish I could do now is give everyone names. Is there a mod for that? I just want my settlers to have randomly-generated names and traits just like they do in Fallout Shelter. Only then will my fantastic island settlement feel complete.

(See Part 1 here)





the brotherhood likely killed everyone at Rivet City for their fusion plant. I mean there is no other fully functioning aircraft carrier wreckage in DC so this terminal entry must be about them.

RIP Rivet City.

& this is why I’m supportive of our good doctor li when she turns Prime against the Brotherhood and completely fucking levels the place during an Institute playthrough.

Weelll I’m not so sure. I’m not very big on the Brotherhood of Steel here, but it doesn’t really fit canon that the Brotherhood would murder everyone in Rivet City (even though most everyone there is a jerk). Fallout games have this sort of encourage/implied canon ending. Like Fallout 1 and 2′s implied endings were that you succeeded in your mission and brought back the water chip/ GECK. Fallout 3 heavily implies that the Brotherhood ending was the way the Lone Wanderer went in the end.

Keep reading

Oh hey I never showed you guys my finished version of The Slog! The main building has been repurposed as a gym now (possibly it was one pre-war anyway?) and the Vault-Tec blocks are the living quarters.

(I used so many mods for this I can’t even remember them, but the Clear Water mod, Colourful Trees, Decoration and Furniture Expansion Pack, More Vault Rooms, and Scrap Fallout were probably the main ones.)