fallout 4


Inktober #8

Oh look, how did he get in there? I was trying to NOT do Nick until later but… This is a little cheaty as I had a reference pose very lightly sketched out in my sketchbook, which I decided to work up into a little Nick pic. Unfinished, but I’m happy with it as it is. Inktober is definitely encouraging me to stop and leave things as they are and just post them, which is a useful push for me :)


I had an idea for a mod called “Multicultural Wasteland” about a year ago. It was very basic, but it would have featured things like hijabs and turbans in a few different colours that you or your settlers could wear, a menorah in the settlement crafting menu, LBGT pride flags that you could put on the walls or desks.

I gave it up when it became painfully obvious I would have to quit my job and devote myself full-time to coding for years and years before I would be able to make even one of those things look remotely passable and work.

someone made a pride flag one!!!!