count dooku



Also crazy realization- Anakin and Dooku are so alike. Mainly in their ideals but also in the way they would lose control when aggravated or upset. It’s funny cuz Anakin hated his guts in tcw but it’s like sir. That’s your grandpa.

To add on to this thought. Despite Anakin hating his guts, he ends up a lot like him in the original trilogy. Darth Vader is cold, calculating, speaks with authority and eloquence. Despite hating him, Anakin grew into Dooku

Tales of the Jedi


I really enjoyed Tales of the Jedi. It was so good to see these scenes I always assumed would never be depicted not only being depicted but rendered in gorgeous animation. And although I always appreciated Count Dooku as a character, this show made me all the more interested in him and his relationship with Qui-Gon.

Speaking of Qui-Gon, they got Liam Neeson back again to play him! And his son playing the young version of him! Seeing as how I’ve been a massive Qui-Gon fan since oooh 1999 I was THRILLED to see all that.

This show has also reminded me how much I need to read Master and Apprentice, I still haven’t and I very much should.