
So hey even though Kevin Feige is kinda covering his ass on the whole Michelle/MJ thing, writer Jon Francis Daley said he fully intended for her to be the new Mary Jane when he was putting the script together, and has lamented that ultimately it’s not his call. Outside the whole he-said-he-said publicity nonsense the film 100% plays as though Michelle is supposed to be MJ. -wackd

Ya know what, I still haven’t seen it yet, but I’m gonna ROLL WITH THAT and assume she’s Mary Jane who just changed her name (but still likes the MJ nickname.)

(Of course a sequel may still ruin that but…. still.)

I assume the scale of the funeral is based on rank, so, like, if a crewmember dies, their crew does the fireworks, if a captain dies, all the captains do the fireworks. Or maybe it’s not supposed to be EVERYONE and Yondu just got a huge funeral because he stopped all of reality from being covered in Ego lava? That’s the sort of thing I think warrents a huge funeral. (Also: it’s possible ALL Ravagers aren’t amoral bloodthirsty dicks, Yondu and co just set a bad example.) -wackd

That does make a lot of sense yes!

I prefer my pirates, space or otherwise, to at least have some sort of a code/honour among thieves, so I guess Yondu’s crew were the anomaly of the Ravagers because he’d already been exiled and no-one else would work for him apart from assholes like Taserface? (I think. If I’ve got the timeframe right.)

On reflection though I think the fireworks were worth it just to see Mantis’s reaction. She’d probably never seen something like that before! ;-;

I mean. Kylo Ren isn’t a real dude. His agency in this is irrelevant. I think it’s totally fair to look at a white male character who more than anything resembles the sort of person who says things like “fake geek girl” and “filthy sjw” and say “yeah, really not interested in seeing him learn to be less of a shitlord,” regardless of his tragic backstory. -wackd

Oh I know, I know, but….Star Wars in general, I loved it because it was happy and full of hope. The ending of Return of the Jedi is one of my favourite endings of all time. And with the sudden twist of “hey, Han and Leia had a son, and he’s EVEN WORSE THAN DARTH VADER!” things got…less happy and full of hope. And there’s only really one way to fix that, which is the expected redemption arc.

I’m not really bothered about Kylo as a person either. I just want my old stuff back. :(