
Regarding Reylo vs Drarry, I think the biggest difference is the fact that Reylo actually involves a woman. In the current state of fandom and sensitivity to representation that means it gets a lot of flack and concern trolling, some of which I think isn’t really earned (As you pointed out, some m/m ships that are just as or even more dysfunctional get huge popularity). That said, I think it’s more divisive than loathed – on Ao3 it has more fic than either Han/Leia or Anakin/Padme. -drakyndra

I think you may be right there. (Also, more fic than Han/Leia??? That is honestly really surprising to me. )

Bascially what inspired that post was seeing lots of ‘Reylo is trash because Kylo’s a misogynist fascist’ on my dash, and then scrolling down to see fanart of a dark-skinned Harry coupled with Draco. It hit all my Something Is Not Quite Right Here buttons.Then again, Draco’s massive popularity (not even in a ‘problematic fave’ kinda way, in a ‘awww, poor woobie’ kinda way) hits that button too…as if he didn’t spend about five Harry Potter books choosing to hurt and abuse people! He’s a Kylo whom everyone treats as a Finn, which I find baffling.

(On SW Sorting) Right after the movie first came out someone on Twitter described Kylo as being a classic evil Gryffindor, and that description stuck with me. Acts on a (warped) sense of self-righteous morality? Jumps head-first into action without thinking things through? Reckless in battle to the point of leaving himself open? Weirdly chivalrous (He actually thanked Han for the thing.) I just can’t see him as Slytherin – not an ounce of cunning or subtlety. -drakyndra

That is actually a very good point! Damn.