
The Passing of Arwen — Jenny Dolfen Art

The Passing of Arwen Watercolour on cold-pressed Waterford paper, 19×27 cm. “I shall not go with him now when he departs to the Havens; for mine is the choice of Lúthien, and as she so I have chosen, both the sweet and the bitter.” Prints here! Original available.

The Passing of Arwen — Jenny Dolfen Art

Yesterday I was introduced to the Middle Earth art of Jenny Dolfen, thanks to this Reddit thread!

It’s very, very good.

ophelie-letanneur:Finally ! This is my version of the fellowship… — The Heroines of Middle-Earth


Finally ! This is my version of the fellowship of the ring ( and Arwen :B ), I’ve tried to not be influenced by the movie but as per the Tolkien’s story. Hope you like it :D

ophelie-letanneur:Finally ! This is my version of the fellowship… — The Heroines of Middle-Earth

This is great and I love it.

Things I noticed when screencapping Fellowship of the Ring

Recently I screencapped the whole dang (three-hour!) movie from a Blu-ray version of the film and while sorting the screencaps I noticed some delightful little details. To wit:

When Isildur takes the Ring, for one brief second there’s this shot of his reflection looking back at him from it. It’s kinda weird and unsettling, which is obviously very appropriate.

You can get a glimpse of Arwen’s stunt double during the river scene.

Boromir is a total manspreader.

Everyone’s nails in this film are so fantastically dirty and gross (especially yours, Frodo.)

Legolas having to physically hold some other Elves back from… beating up the Dwarves? during the Council of Elrond is sort of funny to me, but also a great character detail.

I frickin love the Argonath scene (I used to have this poster on my wall) and I especially love that there are birds nesting in one of their eyes.

At a couple of points during the Amon Hen battle scene you can very clearly see Merry and Pippin’s smaller stunt doubles.

Aragorn taking Boromir’s vambraces at the end is very touching when you spot it, but it amuses me that the film just breezes past him actually taking them off the body and what exact explanation he gave, beyond possibly “I wanna keep this dead guy’s stuff. As a tribute to him, obviously.”

MAN I love this movie.

Things left out from the movie:







There was a scene when they showed frodo turning into the golem:

Arwen was at the battle at helms deep:

Aragorn prayed over the dead at helms deep:

Tom Bombadli was supposed to be in it:

There was a very long scene when they showed gimli and legolas in ithilien after the war:


*Weeps deeply*

And I would have loved to have seen all of those things!



Please don’t forget Annatar (Sauron’s fair form) at the end of RoTK


Fun fact the super gay AF scene between Aragorn and Legolas when Aragorn returned, Legolas gives him his necklace, they lean in close and Eowyn from afar suddenly gives up on him for some incomprehensible reason that probably has to do with her thinking Aragorn is gay for an elf

Well it was gay AF because the scene was meant to be between Aragorn and Arwen and eventually they decided having Arwen there didn’t make sense plot-wise so they kept the scene but replaced Arwen with Legolas

Legolas was specifically standing in for Aragorn’s elf girlfriend 

There was a scene with Arwen and Galadriel cut, too!

Sorry for the terrible quality of the picture. It’s from the Official Movie Guide…it says nothing about what the scene is actually about, but can you imagine it? TWO ladies in a scene TOGETHER