Harry Osborn’s Comic Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #47 (1967)

[You can read this post here or on harryosborn.net!]

Lots of things happen in this issue!

Harry and Peter chat 60s-style, except of course thanks to the sliding timeline none of this ever happened in the 60s! So we’ll have to imagine what era-appropriate sex symbol Harry “really” referenced at this point.

Ah this is all so sad to read fifty years on, knowing what will be changed and retconned.

Harry and Peter flirt with Gwen, Harry somewhat more successfully than Peter.

Oh here’s Kraven! (He was introduced in ASM #15 if I remember correctly so readers of the time would’ve already known him.) But more importantly: romantic entanglements! I still don’t know what the relationship between Harry and Gwen really was at this point because dating just seemed to be different in the 60s? I think these days we’d call it like, a non-exclusive casual relationship I guess.

Whether or not they ever hooked up hooked up is up to you really but honestly I imagine they probably did.

In these panels! Harry reminds us he’s rich, the boys are awestruck by the girls dressed up, Gwen looks jealous of MJ in the background there and wow there used to be a time where women could hang out wearing short skirts in the middle of the street and not get sexually harassed so much they went back inside?

Uh, one way in which the early Marvelverse differs from ours I guess.

Flash is on his way to the Vietnam war, a subject we’ve already tackled.

MJ and Gwen participate in a dance-off which the boys, ur, appreciate. Then in bursts a man wearing a dead animal and he wants Harry!

Flash attempts, with endearing bravado, to save Harry. Harry gets in a few punches but to no avail.

Ah, the days before Harry’s hatred for Spider-Man set in. Also awww, that panel of Gwen and Flash helping Harry is sweet. The Flash-Harry friendship is almost completely forgotten about these days but it was a nice one.

Huh Norman sure got there quickly.

Ahh if only Peter had tried that same technique with Gwen. (Too soon?)

Annnd there ya go, back in the days where Marvel could tell a story in one issue instead of six.

I have a feeling this story was given a retelling of sorts at some point in a much later comic, but we’ll deal with that when we get to it.