the signs as things that happen onstage in hamilton

Aries: A dancer representing a bullet firing from a gun twice- once missing Hamilton during ‘Stay Alive’, once hitting him during ‘The World Was Wide Enough’.
Taurus: Jefferson making sure to show Phillip the Reynolds Pamphlet, Phillip looking up at Hamilton before hurrying offstage.
Gemini: King George dancing and clapping during the Reynolds Pamphlet. He’s taunting Hamilton right there with everyone else.
Cancer: Eliza stepping between Hamilton and Burr and holding her hand out to her husband as he says “My love, take your time.”
Leo: Not one step of choreography during ‘Wait For It.’ Just Burr singing with the ensemble in chairs.
Virgo: The company doing the choreography from ‘My Shot’ during Hamilton’s last a cappella verse.
Libra: The scene between ‘Dear Theodosia’ and ‘Non-Stop’ when Hamilton learns of Laurens’ death through a letter from his father. Lafayette and Mulligan receiving the same letter at the same time on the upper level of the set.
Scorpio: Eliza dropping her head down onto Phillip’s body at the end of ‘Stay Alive Reprise’. Hamilton putting his hand on hers and her jerking it away immediately.
Sagittarius: Angelica watching Hamilton in Farmer Refuted, transfixed, from the upper level of the set. Her stepping forward and seeming as if she’s going to try to speak to Hamilton, before the yell of “SILENCE!” interrupts the scene.
Capricorn: Hamilton standing center stage in the eye of the ‘Hurricane’- while the company lifts chairs, tables and each other through the air around him in super slow motion.
Aquarius: Jefferson dropping his mic after his verse in ‘Cabinet Battle #1’, and it being caught by Madison right before it can hit the floor.
Pisces: Maria Reynolds being present onstage in almost every song between ‘Say No To This’ and ‘The Reynolds Pamphlet’.

[via curlymcclain]