
Normal person: I like that character.
*moves on with life*

Me: I like that character.
*looks up fan art of character*
*blogs about character*
*cries eternally over character*
*buys merch of character*
*listens to songs thinking of character*
*goes to the gym to make character proud*

[via ]








me when i see a cat: CAT! cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat

Fun fact: when I see cute animals, I forget English and automatically revert to my native Hungarian. I don’t know what bystanders make of me, reciting guttural gibberish to rabbits.

But the real question is, what are you SAYING to the rabbits? Is it ‘RABBIT! rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit bunny bunny bunny awww cute bunnyyyyy’?

Well, I usually say the Hungarian equivalent of ‘bun bun bun lil bun look at your tiny spoon-shaped ears awww bun brave little lawnmower bun’, but sometimes I say ‘hey rabbits, my sister’s gonna go to med school’ because I think everyone should know.

I live in Japan, and I always revert to English to talk to small animals, and I was cooing at this tiny little fluff machine of a puppy in baby english like “hello you’re so cute such a cute hello hello yess you’re good” and the 70 year old Japanese lady that was walking him started to *translate the baby talk english into Japanese* for her pup. She wanted to be sure he understood it too.



i think one of the biggest problems with tumblr is that it’s a blogging platform (personal) which people treat as a forum (public) and there is zero boundary between these two functions. as a result you get people readily and preparedly engaging in public debate with other people who are essentially talking to themselves.

it’s like sitting in your locked bedroom writing in your diary, only at any moment jeremy paxman can pop out and question you on international television


repeat after me:

criticizing people on harmful art is fine, explaining to them about it, blocking them if they refuse to change, even warning others that you think this art may be harmful to: a okay

callout posts to dox them, wishing death or harm on them, inciting a mob to lynch them, hateful words just for the sake of it:

makes. you. the bad. person.