sam wilson

Fox & Friends freaks out over black Captain America: It’s a plot to ‘target conservatives’ [TW: Right Wing Extremism, Anti-Immigrant Bigotry]

Fox & Friends freaks out over black Captain America: It’s a plot to ‘target conservatives’ [TW: Right Wing Extremism, Anti-Immigrant Bigotry]



The hosts of Fox & Friends asserted over the weekend that Marvel’s Captain America had declared war on conservatives because a recent comic book story line had the superhero battling white supremacists.

Conservative websites expressed outrage last week after a video released by the right-leaning MacIver Institute think tank suggested that Captain America’s latest villainous threat, Sons of the Serpent, represented real life conservatives who oppose Hispanic immigrants.

A Fox & Friends segment on Saturday warned that Captain America’s new mission was to “target conservatives.”

“He’s got a new odd enemy,” Fox News host Clayton Morris reported, noting that Captain America was now a black man. “Instead of going against Hydra and the typical Captain America villains, he’s going up against conservatives. That’s his new enemy.”

Tucker Carlson argued that Islamic extremists or ISIS members would have been more appropriate enemies.

“The [Supreme Serpent] is an American who has misgivings about unlimited illegal immigration and the costs associated with it,” Carlson said. “And that, according to the comic book, is evil.”

“Right, so these serpents are stopping people from coming over the border and Captain America is saying, ‘That’s not going to happen on my watch, I’m Captain America,‘” Morris agreed. “An interesting discussion around the idea of [immigrants bringing] disease and rapists and everything else.”

Carlson declared that Marvel was portraying average Americans as “snake-handling bigots and they need to be held in place or else they’ll turn this country into Nazi Germany. It’s like, the people who run this country, a lot of them actually believe that. I live near them. They really think that.”

“They should do a comic book on the opposite,” co-host Health Childers offered. “The people who are working the border to keep us safe.”

Morris called for comic books to return to story lines like Captain America “punching Hitler in the face.”

“And now the threat comes from ordinary Americans,” Carlson lamented. “Probably some of you watching at home, they think you’re dangerous.”

“Keep politics out of comic books,” Childers said.

Watch the video below from Fox News’ Fox & Friends, broadcast Oct. 17, 2015.

h/t: David Edwards at The Raw Story


Considering Sam Wilson’s extensive comicbook history as a civil rights activist, I’m gonna need more headcanons about him combatting antiblackness, police brutality and microaggressions. 

Like, please give me long in depth meta about Sam participating in rallies and protests, discussing #Black Lives Matter in press conferences & raising awareness about the discrimination he and other black LGBT+ members face. 

Don’t get me wrong: headcanons about Steve participating in social justice are well and good, but I get a little tired that there’s more meta/headcanons/etc of the white male hero battling racism or leading protests against antiblack police brutality than there is of Sam, who’s a literal hardcore civil rights activist in the comics. (Or that there’s an undeniable undertone that it’s somehow more noble or awesome that the white guy is doing the bare minimum, but that’s for another post) 

Basically what I’m saying is: More Activist/SJW!Sam Wilson would be nice



We spend a lot of time thinking about Bucky hanging from the rafters while Steve falls

But what about Sam?

Imagine Sam, no longer able to fly under his own power, watching that third helicarrier go down

And he has no way to know that anyone’s left to save Steve, or if Steve will even survive those missiles

Imagine Sam in that helicopter, up there just to watch


Black Excellence Avengers/Doctor Who crossover



Sam Wilson meeting Martha and Mickey in UNIT through Fury’s SHIELD connections

Sam Wilson getting his pants flirted the hell off by Jack Harkness because Jack would be head over heels at first sight

Rhodey and Sam doing flight drills together

Nick Fury giving Sam and Rhodey guidance for future tactical plans with Martha and Mickey

Martha Jones being the official British ambassador and Monica Rambeau being the American ambassador to Wakanda and meeting Ororo and T’Challa for diplomatic talks

Juneteenth barbecue at Sam’s house with Rhodey as DJ and Martha and Mickey teaching Vision how to do the electric slide. Misty Knight brings the peach cobbler.

theravengallifreyan may like this too

Sam meets Danny.

They have a long, long talk about being soldiers…


I was curious so…

Sam Wilson’s position at the VA is likely “Peer Specialist”.

This requires a certification through the state but doesn’t require any sort of degree or psychology experience. (Stop calling him a therapist) It’s a GS-5 grade job which looks like requires absolutely no college education.
It’s possible and most likely that he could have been originally hired as a Peer Support Apprentice without a certification and then within that first year the VA would have paid for him to get his certification.

To qualify he would have needed to have been discharged or released from active duty in the armed forces under honorable conditions, during a war, in a campaign or expedition. It’s required that he spent a minimum of 1 year in recovery before seeking the position.

Certification training involves watching videos and traveling (all expenses paid for Apprentices) to face-to-face training and seminars on Understanding Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Principles, Peer Support Principles, Cultural Competence, Communications Skills, Group Facilitation Skills, Addressing Stigma, Understanding Different Illnesses, Recovery Tools, Professional Development & Workplace Skills, Managing Crisis and Emergency Situations.

*** It is required that a Peer Specialist/Support Apprentice be recovered or recovering from serious mental illness like Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder, Major Depression, Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Substance Use Disorders, and other similar diagnosis. This means everyone he works with will know he has a co-occurring condition. The job is based around your ability to use your own stories and experiences candidly with your support groups, as seeing someone going through their own recovery serves as an example of how recovery from mental illness is possible.

In these sessions Sam would teach goal setting, problem solving, symptom management skills and a variety of recovery tools. There’s a lot of focus on helping people identify their own strengths, supports, resources and skills. Peer Specialists advocate by working to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. They also act as community liaisons by identifying social supports in the community and encouraging the expansion of local community resources.

This varies on location and active years on the job but his salary was probably around $35-41k per year. This is a full time position. From what I gather the VA does not authorize you to relocate for the job so this kind of backs up that Sam was always based at Fort Meade, where the Falcon wings were kept.

I don’t know if anyone else cares but there ya go. If anyone has any first hand knowledge and has something to add please by all means (x)


The Avengers AU: Mary Jane Watson and Sam Wilson are best friends.

Well if it isn’t the incomparable Mary Jane Watson.
Hey, Sam. I don’t know why I called. It’s silly. I’ve just… been feeling down lately. I wanted to hear a friendly voice.
Well, we can’t have that. I’m taking you out tonight. Anywhere you want. I know how to treat my girl.
You don’t have to.
I want to.