mickey smith



Nobody ever speak ill of Mickey Smith in my presence ever again.

Now this, this is character development

I dunno… it’s from the novelisation of the episode Rose, so I’m not sure I’d call it character development so much as “stuff RTD should’ve put in from the start.” Maybe it’s RTD’s writing development. I don’t know. Somebody help me


Mickey lived on a parallel world for about two years, and after he returns to his original world, he probably keeps discovering ways in which the earths diverged. Idioms that he finally learned how to say on the other earth he has to relearn how to say the way he first learned to. History wasn’t his best subject to begin with, but sometimes he starts talking to Martha about countries that either don’t exist anymore or never did in this timeline. There are sports teams and models of cars and brands of cereal and all sorts of things where he can remember the names but he can’t always remember which world they were from. He’ll get a jingle stuck in his head and none of his friends can help him remember what it was for because it never aired in their world. He’ll learn of a celebrity death and be certain that person already died- but wait, that was in the Cybermen attack, that must have been the other world. Just because he’s home now doesn’t mean his time on the other world is forgotten, and sometimes he feels so isolated from the world around him because there are all these things he thinks should be one way that are now another.


Doctor Who: my kind of ending. Yes, I’ve been rewatching it again.

Donna keeps her memories and her human/time lord hybrid nature because [insert sci-fi explanation], finds the sonic pen from the episode Partners In Crime and travels with Doctor and Rose, and Martha and Mickey join them sometimes when they want a break from working from constantly defending Earth AND ALL OF THEM ARE IN ONE UNIVERSE THANK YOU VERY MUCH. And Jack too, he just didn’t fit in the composition, sorry Jack.

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hmm it sure will be nice if Tosin Cole is playing a full-time companion and one who isn’t repeatedly berated and belittled by the Doctor, unlike the previous two black male “companions” (quotation marks because Danny was never really a companion at all)

Yes please

I don’t want to rag on Doctor Who that much because it’s doing so well at the moment. But TWO young black men in New Who who are BOTH treated as inadequate for little good reason by the Doctor – I get so angrily stuck on that. And they were five years apart and had different writers so it’s like… *nobody* figured ‘this is a problem, let’s fix it for next time’ with Danny. :(