

i know that people being on their phones has become like a symbol of apathy and uncaring but so many people i know use social media to share love. like yesterday i got to watch a wedding livestreamed to everyone who couldn’t make it. i’ve seen my friend slowly learn how to cope with being a teen mom because of a massive outpouring of “mumblr” support + tips. i’ve seen my friends come out as gay, learn to cook, discover the flaws in their feminism, work for social change, make good life choices, go to amazing places, develop passions, form educated opinions, learn to love themselves. i’ve seen people post the bravest recovery posts and shy political posts and everything in between. 

and i don’t honestly care how edgy you think your art is. what you’re telling me when you draw grey people looking at a white screen is that you don’t care what happens to the other people in your life.

but i do. i care about the boy i’m in a long distance relationship with, but i also care about people i’ve never met. i’ve been following some people for three years and genuinely care about their experiences. i’m glad you’re still in touch with the people you love, even if you’re not paying attention directly to me! i get happy when you finally dump him! i’m sad when your cat gets sick! i give a shit.

i don’t think technology is taking empathy away from us. i think it’s changing it.

Apart from being based on naïve and simplistic ideas about how language works, the other big problem with the ‘women, stop undermining yourselves’ approach is that it presupposes a deficit model of women’s language-use. If women use the word ‘sorry’ more than men (and by the way, that’s a genuine ‘if’: I’m not aware of any compelling evidence they do), that can only mean that women are over-using ‘sorry’, apologizing when it isn’t necessary or appropriate. The alternative interpretation—that men are under-using ‘sorry’ because they don’t always apologise when the circumstances demand it —is surely no less logical or plausible, but somehow it never comes up. As I said back in the summer, the assumption is always that ‘a woman’s place is in the wrong’.


You know what I love?  Redemptive story arcs.  I love characters who fuck up.  Who know they’ve fucked up, and it’s not because of something they couldn’t control or didn’t know – it’s because of their own choices.  And I love it when they are brave enough to stand up and say “I was wrong”, and then they spend forever trying to undo what they did.  To me that’s more important than heroes who never screw up, because I’m not perfect, so when I screw up and need the courage to admit it, I need people to look to who did the same thing.


i love how b99 manages to pepper its episodes with social justice in a totally casual, normalizing way. its honestly proof that if a lighthearted comedy can address serious issues like racism and homophobia consistently without missing a beat or feeling “forced” or out of place, other shows can too. theres really no excuse lmao 

#while the show is not infallible there’s clear effort being put in and it’s just fantastic (via starklinqs)




Witnesses say they asked Britney why she shaved her head and her response was, “I’m tired of plugging things into it. I’m tired of people touching me.”

T-Pain: “That was the most beautiful thing in the world. Do you know why she was shaving her head? Because it was so important to other people. She is like, “Listen. Don’t touch my hair anymore. Stop touching my hair.” People were like, “We’ve got to make your hair before you go outside. You can’t leave.” She went … “Now I don’t have hair. What you going to do?”

The older I get the more her breakdown seems less ‘unbalanced’ and more ‘completely understandable’.


It’s kind of too bad that the term “shipping” is almost invariably taken to refer to sexual and/or romantic relationships, because there really ought to be a word that encompasses all the other types of relationship that fandom likes to imagine their favourite characters in.

Stuff like:

  • surrogate parent/child relationships
  • “the sibling I never had” relationships
  • mentor/student relationships
  • celebrity/fangirl relationships
  • awkward-friend-of-a-friend relationships
  • professional partnerships

(You may think I’m joking about that last one, but I have seen some very meticulous ‘fic based on the supposition that two characters would work well together in a particular professional setting, without any element of romance or conventional friendship being brought into the mix.)