About Overly Devoted Archivist


Posts by Overly Devoted Archivist:


okay, we all know dan slott can be a shit writer and what he’s doing with spider-man right now is revolting, but he didn’t invent the spider-signal, so don’t blame him for that. spidey had the signal in his first appearances. it was dumb, so they scraped it, but it’s not dan’s idea.


It was in the first Spider-Man comic I ever read when I was like seven and it looked weird and freaked me out. (Who knows why.)


Just turned to BBC news, and a helicopter has crashed into a crane in London. Best wishes to everyone caught up in this tragedy.

My anxiety issues strike again! My brother was meant to be in London around this time today. Luckily he’s not. (And the chances of him being caught in the accident were pretty small all the same, but-) I panicked until he texted me back. I hate my anxiety.

RIP, the people killed in the accident. :(