(no subject)

Guys guys guys, I kinda want to talk to someone

Those who know me know I’m not…100% actually sane. I think. I once spent an entire Wednesday morning thinking my cat was a demon and refusing to touch it. I have OCD, SAD, CBT for the OCD…I basically take up an entire alphabet. I am, however, starting to feel better than I have in ages concerning the Big Problems, which is definitely good.

It’s just there’s all these little things bugging me right now. The guy who messaged me calling me a ‘retarded cunt’ om Tumblr a few days ago? Plunged me into this weird anxious state, to the extenct that Dave (my fiance) was pretty worried. And that’s just normal stuff that everyone on the internet has to deal with…and I apparentlycan’t, and it’s worrying me.

More ‘shameful’ to me though, is that I get anxious when my various OTPs/favourite characters are criticised. This has been a mild problem for ages, but it’s really kicked in pretty bad recently. I mean…other people just get cross seeing character hate, right, but I getanxious. Proper sick-feeling anxious. I don’t know why, and I hate it. I’m grateful that I have the option to walk away from the computer screen, whereas some of the things I get anxious about (things I literally cannot type, what the fuck is wrong with me) in real life, I can’t.

I may not be cut out for the Internet. I just…I needed to get this out here and see how everyone else deals with stuff, I guess.