Doctor Who: Turn Left

That was all kinds of awesome.

The world without the Doctor was actually more scary than I ever imagined, just the sheer hopelessness of it, Donna and her family refugees while Adipose ate America and Torchwood died. Poor, poor Donna.

The scene that actually stands out the most for me in this episode, despite all the other stuff going on, is when Donna speaks to her mother and whispers “I was always a disappointment,” or something of the sort. Her mother just stares ahead tearfully and murmurs “Yes.”

Oh, and the other scene that stands out- and that’s one of the grimmest, saddest scenes I’ve seen in Doctor Who- is when Donna’s landlord Mr Santo and his family are taken away, and Donna doesn’t even comprehend what’s going on, and Wilfred gives the man a salute with tears in his eyes and Mr Santo is being unrelentingly cheerful in order to spare Donna and then Donna finally gets it and runs after the truck…


Martha goes out heroically in this timeline, then, giving the last of the air to a coworker. When I was watching Confidential RTD or someone pointed out that Donna and Rose are a lot alike, and I think the thing with Martha is that she’s not really much like either of them; she’s calm and collected and hyper-intelligent and a geek. But anyway, it was good to see her get a mention, and prove (along with loads of other characters) that you don’t need the Doctor to be heroic.

It was good to see Sarah Jane and her teenage gang get a mention too, as well as Gwen and Ianto. I can’t believe they’re going to be in the next episode. It’s like a massive interfandom crossover. :)

Rose! It’s actually so good to see her again, being all mysterious and Doctorlike. (“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”) She seems a lot more grown up, too.

Oh, the BAD WOLF reveal at the end must be my favourite moment of Series Four so far; I love the whole mystery that surrounds Bad Wolf and how it seems to connect everything together. To see BAD WOLF all over the TARDIS made me grin like crazy.

Lastly: who spotted Mickey? :p