WOTW musical/movie icons

I’m sorry- I just really like this movie. I wish there was more of a fandom for it…are you all hiding somewhere? *sideways glance*

-Don’t hotlink
-More stuff at Starlit Blue, which really WILL get a better layout soon, I swear

1. war1lj 2. war2lj 3. war3lj 4. war4lj 5. war5lj 6. war6lj 7. war7lj 8. war8lj 9. war9lj 10. war10lj 11. war11lj 12. war12lj

A couple of the bases:
13. war9base 14. war12base

The various lyrics on the icons:
1- From The Eve of the War
2- From Forever Autumn (‘And darker days are drawing near…’ The whole thing wouldn’t fit. :p)
3- From Brave New World
4- From The Spirit Of Man
5- From Brave New World
6- Also from Brave New World
7- From the narration at the end of Thunder Child
8- Er, this one speaks for itself
9 and 10- From the Epilogue
11- From Dead London
12- From The Spirit Of Man