
An Open Letter To That Ex-MFA Creative Writing Teacher Dude

An Open Letter To That Ex-MFA Creative Writing Teacher Dude





“Yep. There I am. Already angry. I’m so angry, I’m actually just peeing bees. If you’re wondering where all these bees came from? I have peed them into the world.”  Why writing and reading is more and less than you might think it is and it is beautiful. 

Remember that letter? The one that made so many people angry? Here’s Chuck Wendig with a response. If you haven’t been on his blog before, beware the language. 

“Your reading requires a serious commitment, not a commitment to serious books.”

Chuck Wendig’s response is beautiful and important, but I almost recommend not reading the original article that inspired it because it is so offensive and ill-informed that I puked in my mouth a little.  My deepest, most sincere apologies to everyone who ever had that man as a “teacher.”