The “Martha” scene in Batman v Superman gets so much flack and I’ve never understood why

like, to me – that was a big deal. I mean, why do Martha Kent and Martha Wayne share a name in the first place? Because back in the days they were invented, no-one cared enough to differentiate them! For ages, they (like so many mothers in comics) were merely minor satellites of their famous sons, and not nearly as important as their sons’ fathers either. (The way the Nolan Batman movies treat Thomas Wayne as Batman’s driving force, with Martha only an afterthought, is SUPER INFURIATING you guys)

But the Martha Scene! It suddenly made both of them THE MOST IMPORTANT! Shaped the whole plot! Made the fact that these women existed and were mothers A HUGE FRIGGING DEAL! It was really satisfying, you guys. It honest to god felt like a correction of an injustice.