


I’m really not here for bashing on anyone for being a fan of Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock or – gasp! – even all three. It’s grating to see people having to loudly declare how embarrassed they are of their “superwholock past”, or making disparaging remarks about those who still enjoy said shows. I’m sure there’s a longer and more in-depth post to be written about this, but idk man, I’m tired. I’m just not here for this shit.

Generally I’m not a fan of being expected to be embarrassed about stuff you used to be into.

Or the idea that once a thing is no longer one of your main interests, you no longer like that thing. Which I feel is sometimes connected to having to be embarrassed about your previous main interests.

are … are you not aware that mocking superwholock fans is less because they are “embarrassing” and more because of the extremely homophobic, racist, misogynist and ableist tendencies the fandom/s at large has/have exhibited?

Have you ever seen the Star Wars fandom? It’s a goddamn nightmare and it’s everywhere. The ableism and the misogyny was and is appalling. When John Boyega was cast as Finn fans of the franchise sprouted crap about “forced diversity” and “political correctness” on here and on Reddit and Twitter. and everywhere you went on the Internet. When the main character of Rogue One was announced to be a woman fans flipped their lids about “feminism taking over”. When Jake Lloyd was diagnosed with schizophrenia Star Wars fans laughed, because he was in the worst of the movies, don’tyaknow, and therefore his suffering was funny.

Plus the franchise itself still hasn’t got a single main LBGT character or WOC anywhere in the movies, in 2016, and it probably won’t anytime soon. John Boyega got paid less than Adam Driver, for more screentime. Most of the movies don’t have more than a handful of female characters, and only a couple of them even pass the Bechdel Test. Leia had that gold bikini. Whenever articles appear in the media saying how nice it would be for more diversity and less sexism to happen, they’re shouted down by Star Wars fans yelling and yelling and yelling.

Homophobia, racism, misogyny and ableism? Check, check, check and check. A franchise not being as progressive as it should be? Check. So where’s all the “fuck-no-starwars” blogs? Where are all the “ugh I can’t believe I used to be in Star Wars fandom” posts? Surely people should want to distance themselves from that toxic, unending crap. Why don’t they?

Lord of the Rings was used by Lord of the Rings fans as a rallying point for actual fascism and white supremacy, once upon a time, and in the modern day the movie producers can’t even bring themselves to cast non-white hobbits. Or any characters of colour at all. Number of Middle Earth blogs I’ve seen post a disclaimer to explain that it’s okay, they’re not like that, they just like the story, they’re not racists: zero.

No, it’s not that. Or if it is that, it’s deeply hypocritical.