

i’m not kidding when i say this is going to be hell for amber heard. like every woman who comes forward about domestic abuse, there will be a bias against her but one that is amplified so much more by her position in the limelight and depp’s career. she will be dragged every day in the press and accused of all kinds of things by twitter and mocked on websites and people would rather joke about it than support her vocally but she needs to know she has support right now.  she is a young woman accusing an older man of something people would rather laud than address,  please give her your support.  

she filed her evidence and restraining order today.  the police had to be called to their home on saturday and, according to the source, it’s not the first time something like this has happened.  this is disgusting behavior from a man that she placed her heart and her trust in.  the way that this is already being handle by depp is gross,  already he has come out on the defense and has said that he will not address any ‘salacious gossip, false stories or lies about his personal life’. 

already, he is setting her up in the traditional way that media view women who come forward about domestic abuse: as an attention seeking liar.  already, he is setting her up to fall. 

we need to believe amber heard and we need to stand with her through this. every account anyone has of her it’s that she is a kind and genuine person;  she deserves better.  

i stand with amber heard. 

And if anyone tries to tell you that this is somehow some falsified made up story, remind them how infrequently domestic abuse accusations are fake. Remind them that two extremely high-profile people are involved and that Amber Heard is risking her entire career and putting her ass on the line so that she can stand up to her abuser. 

If they say “well, he’s never done anything like this before,” remind them that nobody believed Bill Cosby had for his entire beloved life and career, either. 

I stand with Amber Heard.