

#she speaks to me on a human level #just because your life is not together at the moment doesn’t mean you aren’t capable #of extraordinary things #that’s the best message DW ever gave me #at least RTD era #Moffat does not affect me on any emotional level #rtd dw forever (via teruel-a-witch)

#normal people doing normal things in extraordinary circumstances; who just happen to save the world#that’s what i want again#not some impossible paradox wrapped in riddles and enigma and topped off with a spunky bow#no one can aspire to be a paradox#but perhaps you are reasonably good at gymnastics#or you play an instrument#or are especially observant#these incredibly human actions aren’t worthless – you might just end up saving the universe using them


#yes this#this is why i stopped watching dw#cause it stopped being about normal humans discovering they can do extraordinary things by being themselves#not the paradoxical enigma impossible people saving the world#i cant relate to that shit (via avatarstateyipyip )

Oh god, I hate this argument. Hate it. Amy’s still the closest thing I have to mentally ill representation in Doctor Who and all I get from wider Tumblr about her is that she’s not relatable, has no human qualities (when her observation skills, not her Impossibility, saved the world more than once!) and is someone I should not aspire to be.