“It never occurred to me that championing equality for women was going to be controversial.” Why is that statement supposedly so problematic? Please don’t take this as me attacking you, I just genuinely don’t understand why you complained about it, maybe there’s something I’m not seeing and I want to understand.


No attack, and we’d be happy to further explain, you can also comment on Megan’s article as she’s very good as responding and perhaps is the best source for this question. 

Joss Whedon champions himself as a pioneer of feminism. He knows about GamerGate and the distinct misogynistic harassment Anita S and other women received as a result of it.  He’s worked in the industry for years, long enough to know the troubles women face within it. He once was quoted as having said, “Interviewer: Why do you write strong female characters?/Whedon: Because you keep asking me that question.”

So Whedon has a basic idea of feminism, and the struggles women face. However that idea is just that, basic. Rudimentary. If Whedon fully understood feminism, he would understand and be more sympathetic towards the struggles feminist women in high profile public eye face specifically. The quote rings of ignorance, yet Whedon positions himself as a man all knowing about feminism and supporting it. But how can you support something, and position yourself as a champion of it, if you are ignorant of the struggles those within that community face?  

His statement comes off as disingenuous and oblivious at best, considering his very vocal stance on the feminist movement. 

The article in question isn’t meant as a direct attack on Whedon as a person, nor his fans. But construction critique is always necessary for improvement whether on one’s work, or oneself.  If Whedon is going to position himself as a champion of feminism within the mainstream eye, he should at the very least fully acknowledge, and respect the struggles of women who face 

misogyny and live under a system of oppression. Given that he knows of GamerGate and mentioned the harassment women like Anita S have faced, the question comes into play why wouldn’t he think standing up for women would be controversial? When he’s seen it first hand, and been in the industry long enough to have seen it himself?