An original poem.

Posting this here largely so I don’t have to carry the paper I scrawled it on around anymore.

A boy, a girl, they lived up high
Not heaven, but quite near the sky
And not together, but apart
And her inside that boy’s red heart.

She wore a necklace made of charms
He went to church and whispered psalms
A wall alone was their divide
And one lost soul on either side.

He loved her so, her eyes, her hair
That shone inside the sun’s bright glare
He pardoned her for every sin
And love like that, it won’t stay in.

She had a string of one-time men
He kept his thoughts in book and pen
They passed each other on the stairs
His mind, her body, had affairs-

-The ending came, as well it might
In brightest morning, not at night
He saw her standing by her car
And in the road, a silver star

A piece of jewellery from her neck
All his lust, that silver speck
Charm in hand, he left his path
And came a vehicle, some God’s wrath.

It hit his body, hit his heart
The end had come, before the start
The girl she saw, let out a scream
And that was it, a finished dream.

What happened next, did he pull through?
I fear, my dear, that’s up to you.