A bunch of movies, and abuse of the Georgia font-

-comment please. :)
-credit sarah531 in keywords
-don’t hotlink
-you may nominate them for anything, you don’t have to tell me. :)


1. instantlj2. thegreylj 3. fellowshiplj 4. hobbitonlj 5. healinglj 6. rangerlj 7. somegoodlj 8. starswentoutlj


9. teardownlj 10. givinglj 11. 12. wastherelj 13. gratitudelj 14. ibelievelj 15.shatteredlj


16. samtextlesslj 17. whereverlj 18. loverevengelj 19. eyeslj 20. waitedlj 21. wardenbase 22. beginninglj

Thunderbirds the movie

23. t-onelj 24. t-twolj 25. t-threelj 26. t-fourlj 27. t-fivelj 28. islandlj 29. pinkcarlj 30. outofthestormlj 31. thunderbirdslj 32. island2lj 33. groundlj

The Terminal

34. terminallj

Brushes by calixa, quebelly and ragingquietly
Number 9- third place at sm_chorus
Number 10- Mod’s choice at sm_chorus
Numbers 23-27- dude, those took research, y’know…just not very much, as you can see by the fact I had to edit them again a few days later
Number 34- oh, all right, I haven’t actually seen it yet, but I want to
The screencap of the young Warden in number 22 taken by withpaperwings_
