(no subject)

I am intimidated by little_details, because I am very easily intimidated. So I am posing this question to you guys instead…

I need a disease that is not necessarily fatal, but would be if the person who had it was not interested in getting better. Basically, my character is suffering from depression after having a baby, and for plot reasons she has to die of an illness. So I need a good illness. Setting is modern-day America. It’s for a Spider-Man fanfic, but comic book science is not allowed. ;)

Any helpers get a cookie. ;)

(and it’s my birthday today! I am 19. ;) )

Doctor Who: Smith and Jones

I love Martha already: I really hope people aren’t going to be hard on her just because she’s following on from Rose. Her family look like they’re going to be fun as well, especially the dad and the girlfriend.

For some reason I really liked the very end, when Martha’s family are fighting and storming out of the pub, and Martha glances over and sees the Doctor, like he appeared out of nowhere. The blend of the ordinary and the extraordinary, again…

What else? The Saxon references were Highly Interesting, as was the ‘brother’ line; I figure they’re setting things up for the finale, maybe, and ‘Saxon’ is this year’s Bad Wolf. Liked that Rose got a brief mention, but I’m glad the Doctor didn’t spend the whole episode moping about her.

Oh, and the bendy straws were highly, highly disturbing. I’d call that very very dark humour. Brrrrr. I’m squeamish, and looked away at those points. :p

I barely even noticed the kiss. :p

Also, Outpost Gallifrey is open in another window, and there are 241 people in the rating thread right now…

(no subject)

I had a very very strange Doctor Who dream last night: some way or another Rose, Jackie, Martha and the Doctor ended up in the same place. First they had to take down some ogre-like monster, and Martha suceeded by feeding it banana yogurt. At some point, though, Martha got in the way of the machine-gun Rose was somehow firing, and Rose shouted “Get out of the way, you idiot!” And since through the dream I was feeling what Martha was feeling, I felt desperately embarassed. Then all the characters, apart from the Doctor who was doing something else, sat down to eat at a big table. Martha said to Rose “We got off on the wrong foot, can’t we be friends?” or something like that. Both Rose and Jackie then started utterly abusing the poor girl, which is very out of character for both of them. Then after that the Doctor came back in and delivered an impassioned speech, during which Jackie relented of her behaviour and starting holding Martha’s hand. (She was crying by this point) Then Martha pleaded to Rose once again to at least accept her, but Rose started yelling “No! I’m his companion! He chose ME! Me and me alone!” Martha said, “But what about all the other companions who came before you?” and after that, I think, I woke up.

It sounds dead funny now, but in the dream it wasn’t! Cos I was Martha all the way through, and I was being virtually tortured by Rose and sobbing my eyes out!

Perhaps a scene similar to this will show up in fanfic at some point. For now, though, I think I shall make myself some Martha icons…

Doctor Who season 3 trailer


OMG JOHN SIMM. They did a bloody good job keeping that a secret: I went into the OG spoiler section a few times, but I wasn’t entirely convinced they’d really cast him…and there he is.

OMG JACK. Still in his Torchwood clothes!

OMG MARTHA. I love the way she says “What,” she sounds really pissed off. Although you can’t actually tell what she’s looking at in that scene…


Okay, I’m done now.

‘Guess the fandom’ meme

This looks like fun- Summarize 10 of your fandoms in one sentence, then see who on your friends’ list can guess each fandom.

(Okay, not all of them are ‘fandoms’ as such, but they’re all shows/films/books that I have an interest in, put it that way. :p)

(also, if anyone gets 8 and 9, I’ll be very impressed.)

1. Potentially mentally-ill policeman annoys his colleagues. [Life on Mars -guessed by livii]

2. Young woman abandons boyfriend for a man with a far cooler mode of transport. [Doctor Who- guessed by livii]

3. Troubled young man picks the wrong (or the right, depending on whom you listen to) father figure to look up to. [Star Wars- guessed by livii]

4. Young woman develops an unhealthy fascination for a bloke with masks and swords. [V for Vendetta- guessed by livii]

5. A man discovers that his love of colourful tights is preventing him from getting the girl. [Spider-Man- guessed by livii]

6. A bitten-off finger saves the world. [Lord of the Rings- guessed by livii]

7. Woman is entangled romantically with three men: she becomes engaged to one, nearly marries another, and feeds the third to a giant squid. [Pirates of the Carribbean- guessed by livii]

8. Young man has difficulty digging himself out of hole. [Holes- guessed by elyim]

9. Boy attempts to enslave a race of small creatures. [Pokemon- guessed by elyim

10. The lives and loves of a group of students in Scotland: who will snog who? [Harry Potter -guessed by elyim, glinda_penguin and wild_huntress]

(no subject)

Have been floored by some sort of virus, or food poisoning or whatever. I should be down the pub for Thursday karaoke right now, but noooooo. *mopes*

At least the internet has decided to work. I was running out of DVDs to watch.

The War On Earth (8/8)

Title: The War On Earth
Author: sarah531
Rating: PG13, possibly bordering on R
A Sequel To: Turn of the Earth and all related ficlets (but it just about makes sense without it)
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Shareen Costello, Maggie and Thomas Finch (Clive’s wife and son), Elton Pope, many OCs
Summary: Bad Wolf went everywhere, including people’s heads. That in itself would be troublesome enough without half a million Daleks destroying your planet. Or having the man who changed your life leave to defend an alternate universe. Or knowing that the person who saved Rose Tyler is not coming to save you.

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
