About Overly Devoted Archivist


Posts by Overly Devoted Archivist:

The other night, instead of doing any of the 24601 things I was meant to be doing, I made this instead. Not to be used as a substitute for reading the book! Unless of course you want it to be.

Tumblr is a dick and probably won’t let you see the actually readable version, so click here to see it. Please feel free to point out any massive inaccuracies but be gentle

But, if I had been rich, there would have been no more poor people! You would have seen! Oh, if the kind hearts only had fat purses, how much better things would go!
One of those Grantaire quotes from the Brick that makes me stare at the wall for a very long time



Here is the official launch poster for Doctor Who Series 7.2 on BBC America

The new season of Doctor Who premieres Saturday March 30th as part of our brand new Supernatural Saturday lineup of Doctor Who, Orphan Black, and The Nerdist. <— click the links to follow their Tumblrs.

Well, that’s one ugly graphic, but at least they tried?

Whenever new DW promos come out, I like to play the ‘how gloriously badly photoshopped will this look’ game…and they always manage to surprise me.

(I still love them though)

go get ’em, tiger: Chris Cooper joins ‘Amazing Spider-Man 2’ as Norman Osborn



Chris Cooper has rounded out the cast of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2.”

Cooper joins Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, who reprise their roles as Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, along with Jamie Foxx, Shailene Woodley, Paul Giamatti, Felicity Jones and Dane DeHaan.

Marc Webb will return to direct,…