Really big icon post

-Comment and credit
-Don’t hotlink
-Don’t modify
-Tell me if you nominate
-Watch out for ROTS spoilers (major ones)
-Over here for resources. All the textures used in this batch were from, which is pretty great. :D


Star Wars

1. padmeamidalalj 2. forgetmelj 3. theendinglj 4. aheadlj 5. yodasadlj 6. saveyoulj 7. saveyoubase 8. stillgoodlj 9. macedarklj 10. aniobilj 11. savinglj 12. crazinesslj 13. ivorytowerlj 14. daughterlj


15. punishlj 16. katesamotplj 17. whereverlj 18. allgonelj 19. remnantslj 20. entwinedlj 21. zeroanymorelj

Harry Potter

22. cedricdiggorylj 23. fleurlj 24. rubbishlj 25. grangerslj 26. ginnygreenlj 27. parentslj 28. yoursidelj


29. fatelj 30. fatebase 31. trylj 32. trybase 33. selfdestructionlj 34. breakinglj 35. harryfunerallj 36. watchinguslj

James Franco

37. jf1lj 38. jf2lj 39. jf3lj 40. jf4lj 41. jf5lj

Just over 40. w00t. ;)

Anyway, one other thing…I was wondering, does anyone want to take over sw_awards? No-one’s posted for ages, and I didn’t really do a great job as moderator…