Icons and mood theme

There’s quite a lot of stuff here. :p

-no hotlinking

1. 2.harrysmalltextlj 3.harryhairlj 4. trio3lj 5. siriusblacklj 6. hermionesmalltextlj 7. dursleyslj

8. withmelj 9. swbluelj 10. rememberlj 11. anidreamlj 12. sundieslj 13. quilj 14. leiasmalltextlj 15. lukeleialj 16. finalbattlelj 17. quismalltextlj 18. journeylj

19. listenlj 20. lucillelj 21. palaceprincesslj 22. s-heartlj 23. v-heartlj 24. j-heartlj 25. g-heartlj 26. a-heartlj 27. cantsavelj 28. fatherdaughterlj

29. fallinglj 30. nightmarelj 31. deconstructionlj 32. deconstructionbase 33. wallcrawlerlj 34. petergwenlj 35. norman2lj 36. spideychoicelj 37. spiderman2lj 38. spideymaryjanelj 39. notangellj 40. notangelbase 41. sinslj 42. facetofacelj 43. caughtlj 44. mjharrylj 45. unclebenlj 46. thegreengoblinlj

This works much the same as the Revenge of the Sith mood theme. :D


(frustrated, hyper, cold)

Please credit for the mood theme, it took absolutely ages.

Click for the images & Click for the coding


Brushes by calixa, booster_rocket and jeweledicecream
Screencaps by/from oxoniensis, gypsyjr, litt1er3d, here and rottentomatoes.com. Most of the ones from the first Spiderman movie by me. :D
Textures from Tre-xture
